Tuition and Parents Info
Parents Play a vital role at The Bethlehem Children’s Academy and it is important that each parent be involved in the growth, education and development of the child. Parents are invited to participate in Academy activities and events, and input is always welcome. Any parent with questions, concerns or recommendations are welcome to meet with the director by appointment.
We offer a Christian atmosphere with loving christian mature staff, that understand the needs of children. Our prices are significantly lower than other private schools in the Mansfield, Arlington area. We go beyond the call of duty to accommodate our families by assessing every situation case by case. The Academy has received 3 out of 4 star Quality Rating by the state of Texas.
Make A Payment
Payments may be made online, in person or by mail using cash, check, money order or credit card. Mailed payments must be received by the due date. Payments may be made in person on or before the due date. The term of payment must be noted on the check or money order; payments may be made for monthly; full fee amount is due for 3-5 days of attendance.
Also online payments can be done with the Brightwheel’s mobile App.
Please make checks/money orders payable to:
The Bethlehem Academy
Tuition is due by the 1st of the month late after the fifth day of the new month, with $25 late fee, The fee reserves a space for the child and must be paid even if your child misses a day or more. Any payment paid after the fifth day will be late and a late fee of $25.00 will be added to your rate. If payment is not received prior to service, we will not be able to care for your child. You will be informed at drop-off that you will not be able to leave your child. In order to maintain quality child care, the Academy cannot give refunds or discounts for days absent. Full tuition is due during holidays and inclement weather days. If students will be out when the Academy is in session, one half of the payment is due.
Parents may qualify for low income or free day care; please call the Day Care Association at: (817) 831-0374. Ask for a client service worker. (CCMS is accepted)

Looking to enroll? Find out more information about our school and curriculum!